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"Creepy Uncle Joe : what does he mean to you?

"Creepy Uncle Joe : what does he mean to you?  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 11/17/2021 12:11:45 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


The Brownshirts were leftists and fascists just like you and creepy Joe.

if you had been born in Germany in 1910 you'd be working fo Himmler as a propagandist, no doubt! 

as it is your just a Bulwark posting closet leftist 

a sophist and paid agitator 


but like the Nazis, your days are numbered. 

The Great Whales say, the Creator is a "God of Truth." 

Thats why Leftists are Marxists-- ( atheists and murderous statists) 

God is an affront to their lacking a moral compass

it is better, they imagine,

"To reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven."

Your spiritual father is an ancient enemy of all mankind

the "Father of Lies"

the "Lord of Flies" 

he is a 

"Liar and murderer from the beginning"


"Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name,

'cause what's bugging you is the nature of my game."


Useful idiots, defined--

"Thinking themselves wise, they exchanged the truth for a lie 

and their foolish hearts were darkened" -- Saint Paul ( Romans 1) 


Do you suppose your pals,

the Covid producing Chinese Communists

support human rights?

Do they Love the Truth? 

No.. Communists, Leftist Democrats, 

and shameless propagandists like you,


"Love the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds are done in darkness.

But anyone who loves the truth comes willingly into the light

so that it may be clearly seen 

their deeds are done in God."

-Jesus ( John 1) 


You Libz live and love the "Big lie"

you need your cognitive dissonance to promote your

meaningless slogans -- hate filled memes

false accusations-- your murders done in secret.

and your folly ( and doom) is now seen 

in high places.


This agenda is doomed to fail, that's the problem with lies. 

and with every day 

the undeniable Truth

stocks and haunts

your silly lies and prideful  pretentions 

Good luck with all that!

Useful Idiot!




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Biden: “The Great Uniter” +4/-4 Shooting Shark 11/15/2021 11:26:02 PM