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Obsy, do you purposely mislead people or is it being done innocently?

Obsy, do you purposely mislead people or is it being done innocently?  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/4/2021 9:43:38 AM  +3/-0  

In a post below, you claimed that there were 200,000 deaths from Covid when Trump left office. When showed you the real numbers, 400,000, you called me a liar. 

Please back up your claims - maybe im wrong? 

here is how I back up my claims:

Stunning CDC Data Suggests True Final Coronavirus Death Toll of Trump Presidency Likely Over 550,000 (

As Donald Trump’s presidency came to a close, the official confirmed U.S. coronavirus death toll sat at a staggering 409,000 lives lost, but Centers for Disease Control data suggests that the true death toll during Trump’s tenure was over 550,000 and approaching 600,000.

According to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard, which is generally regarded as the official source for confirmed coronavirus figures, the current COVID-19 death toll is 480,902 — itself a mind-blowing figure.

But according to the latest available figures from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the true current death toll is likely much greater — and could already have surpassed 600,000 souls lost.

CDC tracks the number of deaths reported in excess of the average number of expected deaths based on prior years, and the latest figures show that since the pandemic began, 569,397 more people than expected have died.

That data runs through most of Trump’s final full month in office.

The good news is that President Joe Biden’s administration has announced that the government has ordered enough additional vaccines to accommodate every American by the end of July. And The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projects that universal masking could save tens of thousands of lives over the next few months — as many as 34,000 fewer deaths than the current projection.

And here is the more conservative number

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Obsy, do you purposely mislead people or is it being done innocently? +3/-0 bladeslap 12/4/2021 9:43:38 AM