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OK, but here's the flip side of that.

OK, but here's the flip side of that.  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/14/2021 12:29:16 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


I have never read anywhere in scientific literature that the mRNA "changes your body's ability" to fight other strains.

Every single vaccine you and I get does one thing... It introduces a Spike Protein to the body so that the body recognizes it as a pathogen and "remembers it". 

The difference between the mRNA vaccine and other vaccines is simply how spike proteins are introduced into the body. The mRNA vaccine enters into the cell and then instructs the body on how to make the spike protein, which then exits the cell, and then the body mounts an antibody (among other) immune response. The harmless spike proteins completely disolves in your body in about 14 days.

Other vaccines will use an attenunated virus that grows in chicken eggs. It takes a lot longer to do this process.

So, if you have some scientific literature that shows that getting an mRNA vaccine prevents the body from attacking other strains, I'd like to read it.

Another point, I have not even gotten a cold in just under 2 years now. I was first vaccinated in January of 2021, second in February, and Booster about 3 weeks ago.

There is data now to show that getting a booster shot significantly increases immunity against Omicron. So yes, given what I have seen with people who have gotten Covid, I 100% do not want to get covid. Research "Long term covid effects" not only from the US, but from other countries.

I sincerely am just looking out for you Obsy - All politic aside. 

Here are the people I know who got Covid (by first name only) and what issues they are having now

Joe - Double pneumonia that is not resolving - mid 40s pilot out of teterboro

Jane - Former work colleague - Non stop chronic fatigue

Frank - Had lung issues for close to 1 1/2 years

Tamp - Airline pilot friend - Still has not gotten full taste / smell back 

Cousin's Co-worker - She got covid and he has witnessed a stark cognitive difference, not remembering names etc

Pilot at Wyoming vally airport - Got covid almost a year ago and suffers from chronic fatigue

These are just 6 people that I remember ... there are a few more. 

Sure, there are some rare side effects from the mRNA. Young males seem to be the most succeptible to mycarditis. The put the risk of getting myocarditis at 2.6 per 100,000 or 1 in 38,400 (and those were pretty much young males). Most cases were also mild

There were injection site rashes (i know two people who got that) and some temporary neurological issues that resolve.

So, the quesiton is this - Do you want to risk getting covid again, where they can measure damage to the brain, etc, or do you want to get a vaccine that has gone out to billions?

Another statistic - 

1 in 100 over 65 has died of covid. 


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Obsy, did you get covid already? +2/-0 bladeslap 12/14/2021 8:39:01 AM