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No Old Guy, You don't get it

No Old Guy, You don't get it  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/15/2021 11:45:06 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I offered you a subscription for $100.00 a month so that you too have a say in the rule making of this forum.

You don't go into someone's house and tell them how to decorate their house, what to watch on TV, who to have over, where to send their kids to school.

You are a guest in my house. Your ego is wanting to make this situation that way that you "would want it to be", but this is not your house; it's mine. I set the rules that I believe are both fair and equitable ...

And any outside "observer" who sees that one of my rules is "We will not refer to Either Biden Or Trump as molsesters or rapists" means I am being EQUITABLE to both sides. 

If you still cannot understand those concepts, then your ego is strangling you and you don't have a very good sense of equity, reality, and coureousness.

So, the ground rules are these...I'll repeat. You are in my house. I set a very loose set of rules for my house guests. you are a house guest. As much as you want to try to tell me how I should set the rules, it's not your decision to make. I will take your input, and if I believe your thoughts are both salient and fair and in the best interest of the forum, I'll adopt your suggestions. If I don't agree, then I don't and that's where the line is drawn.

I've given you the opportunity to write, most views opposing mine, for years and years now..Uninhibited. You've called me a moron, stupid, idiot, among other things, and I've still never banned you are even asked you to stop that. 

I have, however, made ONE rule about how we address our current and past presidents. It's MY rule. It's a simple rule. If you have so little respect for that one rule that I post, and it causes so much tension inside of that head of yours that your ego just can't let go, then I ask that you leave the forum so that cooler minds can discuss things. I don't want that level of hatred in this forum or in my life. It's that simple. I don't know how else to explain it to you...and it's a pity I have to take the time to reverberate this to you over and over.

I don't dislike you Old guy. You get on my nerves from time to time, but we've had some spirited discussions...I just wish YOU could drop the hatred and look at discussions from a more neutral eye.

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New Policy +4/-0 bladeslap 12/14/2021 4:59:35 PM