the military has always treated soildies as medical guinea pigs.
Now today it's "government Contractors" too.
So, as one who has spent a life time working in both areas,
I am VERY happy NOW to be a "PFC"
("Proud Fucking Civilian!")
Thats what they said back in Vietnam era days, right Crowbot?
TODAY: Keep your shots, your mind control, and your "Background Checks," Uncle Sam!
Digital Soldiers-- selected for their lib political views ( above the rank of O-6, anyway.)
Remember when the Rolling stones reported General McCrystal's staff refered to Creepy Joe as
"Joe Bite Me" (?)
Obama relieved him from Command.
Oh yeah. Tip of the ICEBURG.
A "leftist PC military" doesnt bode well for America.
Excrutiatingly sad. Not worthy of support as it stands today; NEEDS REFORM.
And most vets know it. ( whats your problem Crowbot-- you Chinmeese troll!)
"Lets Go Brandon!"
Useful Idiots!!