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"more than 59% don't trust our electios"?

"more than 59% don't trust our electios"?  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 3/9/2022 2:10:28 PM  +2/-1  

When you have a marketer, like trump, Lie to the public every day, of course some people are going to believe him, yourself included.

I don't know what kind of a statement you are trying to make. Trump is good at pusing blatant lies that his own VP and AG know to be compeltely bogus.

That means that people are extremely gullbile and are unable to unemotionally process data.

Questioner: Dear Person who thinks elections are corrupt, what data points make you believe the election was not correct"

Response: Trump said so ...and some people who back Trump also said so

Questioner: Has there been any proof, audits, court cases, that prove any widesspread fraud? 


Repsonse: No, everything shows that it was a fair election

Questionier: Did the election Czar and DOJ confirm there was no widepread fraud?

Response: Well, yes, they Did...None at atll

Questioner: So, then what makes you believe it still?

Repsonse: Trump says so ...

Questioner: So, then Trump has some evidence to back his claims...Somethign that can be tested, brought to a court of law - Did any judges agree with Trump"

Response: NO, Zero

Questioner: Then, they must had been all liberal and biased judges, right?

Response: No, many were very conservative and Even Trump Appointed judges

Questioner: So, no proof, his own VP and AG said there was no fraud, Trump has no proof, yet you still bleieve him?

Response: Yes

59% of peopel (According to maybe one poll that you cherry picked) really have issues with deductive reasoning, logic, and emotional intelligenve

This has happened because sheep like you believe the lies Trump puts out - It;s the only way to protect his ego. you have abandoned your logic and reason and are listening to someone who keeps putting that narrative out becuause his ego is too fragile to allow him to believe he lost.

You are too fragile to believe you are wrong Old guy. Those are the facts....


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"more than 59% don't trust our electios"? +2/-1 bladeslap 3/9/2022 2:10:28 PM