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"Can’t you watch the news" Which news shall I watch?

"Can’t you watch the news" Which news shall I watch?   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 5/18/2022 10:23:48 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'm interested in where you got the news that:

"The democrats now are looking at a bill to put a price freeze on things." 

I lived through the Great Inflation in the '70s inflation. I remember Nixon's idiot Wage and Price Controls. I remember the mortgage industy's elevated interest rates- 11.2% at one point. I can believe that congressional politicians would propose the idea again so that they can pretend to be doing something. If the idiot idea of price control is being bandied about in congress, I want to know about it.

Your allegation appears to be a work of your fevered imagination and paranoia unless you can cite the origin of your assertion. If you have a source, cite it.

But- you never, ever cite your post's sources. Your posts are exercises in your frustration at reality not conforming to your ideas. 

Most of what Trump, Trumpists say is purely for political propaganda purposes: The Big Lie. When challenged on your statements y'all pretend you never said it.

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One more stupid idea +1/-2 Old Guy 5/17/2022 12:47:31 PM