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"Fox News" - And you're telling us that as well

"Fox News" - And you're telling us that as well  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 7/13/2022 7:39:32 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

This is why your logic is so flawed

First, teh fact they haven't found the girl doesnt mean she doesnt exist

Second, post an article so we can read it ...

It's like saying "Officer, a deer crossed the road, that's why I swerved and hit the guardrail" ... OFficer says "I don't see any deer" ... 

Second, FOX news lies about everying. The 'stop the steal'...

So, you get zero points on this

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10 year old abortion +4/-3 Old Guy 7/12/2022 12:42:38 PM