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"Bush had NO responsibility In its creation" The POTUS, any executive is

"Bush had NO responsibility In its creation" The POTUS, any executive is   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 7/30/2022 11:52:24 AM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Your Great Recession was the Subprme (sic) loan recession. The Subprime loan crisis was given to us by the democrats, Bush had NO responsibility In its creation.

The POTUS, any executive is responsible for everything his administration does, whether he initiates it or not. He is responsible for successfully administering programs and policies. That's one of the reasons they routinely replace all cabinet members when a new POTUS takes the office.

Did he end the program? No.

Did he modify it? Yes indeedy- he expanded applicability to allow more to buy houses and homeowners. The program was very casually administered from the start, allowing speculators as 'homeowners'. What happens when your investment starts weakening? People dump, trying to limit their loss when in reality that changes a paper loss into a real, hard currency loss. The 'paper loss' builds on itself when it is based on owners who are ignorant- "You can't lose money on real estate. They're not making any more." types. 

Expanding an already operational lending program increases risk of loss, especially in a heated market. The housing market was red-frickin' hot, overpriced, a correction was inevitable but should have had reasonable preparation.  Especially since a major portion of the lending is underwritten by the government.

Full circle- weak program initiated by opposition party, expanded for political purposes without modification into a market tending to overprice assets; non-resident mortgagees abandon properties that do not cover the balance of the debt....


Trump took a goverment iand  (sic) lead it to greatly improve the lives of citizens!

All hail the Dear Leader! right?

You conveniently forget that Trump's inept public health police increased the Covid 19 death toll in America, leading to highest unemployment rate in history and the sharpest economic contraction since the Great Depression. Whatever else he may or may not have accomplished, that is a  drastic failure on his record and a complete disqualifier in my opinion.

Moving to politics now, President Trump admitted that he downplayed the risk of the coronavirus for a very specific reason:


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down...


TRUMP: ...Because I don't want to create a panic.

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Let’s go Brandon +4/-4 Old Guy 7/29/2022 10:01:39 AM