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"To crow"

"To crow"  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 9/7/2022 3:47:25 PM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You have claimed more than once, that you are a conservative, I call BS!

Bellow you posted this:

America could theoretically minimize that exposure economic cycles with a controlled economy.


I'm not endorsing that action. I am stating a fact, counterproductive as that fact may be. I'll repost the statement pertinent passages in the post, first the subject line:


"Y'all have heard of 'economic business cycles', yes?

"At some point the market corrects for excesses? 

"America could theoretically minimize that exposure economic cycles with a controlled economy. That could, again, in theory- avoid contractions, recessions and depressions."


What in that post is counter-factual? I didn't endorse the idea of a controlled economy, I acknowledged that it was a possible action. The idea of a government controlled and 'stabilised' economy is much older than the 'communist manifesto'. It never works in the long run. There, in a nutshell, is the reason (amongst many others) that the US dollar is the de facto world reserve currency. That action is not likely or reasonable, but it possible.

If I say you could rip your clothes off and run nude down the street screaming profanities, am I encouraging you to do so? Or merely acknowledging that it's not impossible...?

Here's a question that will get your panties all wadded up:  the Fed has and has for a long time manipulated the economy, to some extent- mainly with interest rate actions.

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To crow +4/-2 Old Guy 9/7/2022 12:26:16 PM