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Never heard you complaining....

Never heard you complaining....  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/10/2022 11:18:16 PM  +4/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Never heard you complain when Trump, on TV, said he trusts Putin and not our own intelligence ...

That's called a Traitor ...

You never blinked an eye at that - "I have no reason to believe Putin is not telling the truth " (when our own intel found the exact opposite) --

Trump, when he realized how bad it sounded, the next day said "Well, what I meant to say is I find new reason to believe him" - 

Old guy, you can't have it both ways

You either hold Trump to the same standard as you hold biden or go to your corner and put on a better act. Seriously.

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The world is making fun of us! +2/-3 Old Guy 12/10/2022 10:42:33 AM