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I got a good laugh out of that!

I got a good laugh out of that!  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/27/2021 8:56:51 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


Well said, Old Guy!

Ya know, it makes me wonder how the Libz really see things. They must know all the BS they were fed was lies as you have indicated. Yet they never go back snd reflect -" Gee that was BS CNN was pushing. 

Its impossible for a lib to see the manipulations behind the scenes. China Joe and "artistic" coke-snorting son (Hunter) don't even register on the corruption scale. Unbelievable.

And now, every day that corrupt puppet remains in office reinforces the fact we don't live in s functioning democracy, and politics is an evil side-show, designed to produce mind-control for the masse.

There are three distinct reactions to this mind control:

1. Know it's BS and call it out as such. The creators of the BS know it's BS too, and they laugh at us because we can't do anything about it-- it's all about money and gaslighting and "compromat"-- only a fool would imagine billionaires club would let the great unwashed "elect a president"

2. Know it's BS and promote it. This is Crowfoots position, and a large number of left leaning Republicans. They know the Democrats And their billionaire-backers call the shots. They know they can't resist either - impossible not to be compromised in a world of make-believe, where corporate media anf money call the factual shots for the believing masses.

3. "Our target voter is a "white middle class middle aged married woman from Michigan" Rahm Immanuel famously described the perfect useful idiot. Think about the characteristics of that person, and how "feminized and emotional" ( not rational) - and disconnected from reality she is! She's married, and middle class, so she's comfortable-- not working her ass off at low pay ( like many of her less advantaged sisters ( divorced, black, single, fat, uneducated, unskilled-- who are too busy working three jobs at $14 an hour to pay attention to politics) 

She can be a "feminist" while ignoring 3/4 of the women in this country. She is living proof of the falsehood of Gloria Steinham's famous line" A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle " -- without her husband she too would be a wage slave. 

She watches "the view" and gets her talking points from whoopee Goldberg, from her soul mate Joy Behar. Or she might be a lesbian "married" to a woman, so she watches "Ellen" and gets her talking points from Rachel Maddow. She hated Trump because he was a man surrounded by beautiful women, who objectified women, who banged porn stars, who divorced three times. Trump was a feminist's "anxiety closet" -- filled with monsters who offended liberal women in particular. 

Then there are the men. (If you can call them that)

liberal eunichs more accurately. Men, who don't have the rational abilities and healthy skepticism ( and cynicism) to live and function in the real world, with real monsters, and monstrous politicians! This form of Liberall has a missing Y chromosome, and may have been feminized by a dominant mother figure, or exposed to insufficient testosterone in a prenatal development stage. 

In any event, such "men" are popular today with middle class white women, many of them divorced and living off their ex-husbands alimony - Since he pays every month, shouldnt the new boyfriend snd the government too? Gods special little creature needs a "Vente mocha-Maccisto with caramel" at Starbucks, and loved it when they call her name  "Karen". The Lib significant others-- (she is keeping her options open, dating many cuckholded lib-men at once  trying to find her "soul mate"- and maximizing her support) -- dutfully pay $6.50 for a cup of Joe with all  the foo-foo added.

Lib men, thrrefore, all suffer from some sort of psycho sexual -malfunction. They don't mind being cuckholded by a domineering lib matron (eg. Joy Behar) -- or they want to be women themselves ( Gay Trans LGBTQXYZ)or, like Jetsheep they think it's "cool"-- a male version of  a "f-g hag" ( a woman that hang out with gay men) Why? who knows why. Lib women love to immascilate men, and lib men love to be immasculsted,

Trump, instinctivel, was the sum of all their fears.

And it was terrifying to lib men and women to see thousands of people at Trump rallies-- even flotillas-- when he was president. It highlighted the fact most people aren't like them. Conservative women are successful in business and life, and respect masculinity-- they don't need "a bicycle" they need a real man to be a father and companion. They saw Trump was a cad, but they liked his honesty when it came to calling out the left-/ they were smart enough to see "fake news" and reject it.

Their husbands meanwhile laughed at the silliness of people who think Global Warming is a thing, and Presidents are surrogate "daddies"-- they work  pay their taxes, fought the wars , seen the BS and aren't stupid enough to sell their souls to a fake government and all it's fake propaganda organs. Lesve  them alone to raise their families and support their communities without input from the collectivists who think "it takes a-village"

What we need today are 

MORE REAL MEN and  less feminized libz

and all the foolishness that creates 



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