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Drastic is an understatement. Worldclass disapproval rating

Drastic is an understatement. Worldclass disapproval rating  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 11/17/2021 12:37:20 PM  +1/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I am mixed, some of their posts are funny but once I realize they may actually believe what they post I find it very disappointing and frustrating.

Look at just the issue of sex.

Trump is rich, women will chase after that!  I bet his opportunities are endless.  He has conducted himself as many males would in his position.  And his actions have not been weird, just pretty normal.  Each and every case of some kind of sexual impropriety has been proven wrong and most all of the cases were dropped by the accuser.  It would appear that all of the accusers motives were political.  Sexual it looks like Trump is just a normal male, with money.

But Biden, at first I considered that Biden just like kids, kind of normal.  But then the more you saw, the more you realized this much attention towards the young is just not normal. Under the rules of Title IV, Biden is a sex offender.  Biden someone you would never allow to be alone with you children.  The three remaining useful idiots supported him, told us we could not post about this and even kicked zombie off because he told the truth. HOW FRUSTRATING .  Even now as more comes out about Creepy Joe the "pedophile" NOT A WORD.  

Can you imagine what they would post about Trump if he would have been the one takeing showers with his young daughters!  Well, Biden took showers with his young daughter, NOT A WORD!  No outrage here!

HOW FRUSTRATING, Stupid people with no moral center!

useful idiots!!!


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How the view of America Has changed Drastically +3/-0 bladeslap 11/16/2021 8:33:42 AM