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Crofraud, the more you speak, the more ignorant you become

Crofraud, the more you speak, the more ignorant you become  

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Author: observer II   Date: 12/1/2021 9:01:24 AM  +4/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Let's be clear here lib. This chinese flu was purposely created and funded by Americans, and the chinese. And your mesiah Fauci is in the middle of it along with that pedophile friend of his Gates. His wife didn't divorce him because he had too much money. lol

Trump didn't panic, or want to cause panic. Quite the opposite is true from the democrats. They intentionally caused panic. Scared people to death in fact. And all to first.....get rid of Trump (stealing the election) and controlling the American people.

The entire democratic party is incompetent.

Fauci has turned a 180 on numerous occasions. Another liberal puppet who is in love with himself.

Cuomo killed thousands of elderly people by infecting them with the virus. Them writes a book explaining what a great guy he is, and how he handled the pandemic.

Pelosi gets caught with no mask at her hair dressers. Then has the gall to blame the hair dresser for no informing her of the rules. Ignorance is bliss..................for a lib.

It's as incompetent as Hitlery was about her top secret e-mails. "Oh, I didn't know they were classified files". And this is the idiot you voted for.

And I'll stop with Biden. There is more evidence out there displaying his perverted behavior and his blatant racist actions and remarks than they have on a serial killer.

The American people are finally seeing what you turds are all about. You idiots got to the point where you didn't even hide your intentions anymore. Guess you should have stayed in the closet. (jettsheep)

The shot saves lives............ooooops, it doesn't.

Masks save lives.................ooooops, it doesn't.

Testing is 100% accurate....................not so much. Depending on what the liberal agenda is today.

Almost twice as many people have died under Biden (with vaccine) than Trump (without vaccine)



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“Stupid is as stupid does” +3/-4 Shooting Shark 11/30/2021 10:07:06 PM