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All vaccines have "breakthrough" infections. They're less frequent and mild

All vaccines have "breakthrough" infections. They're less frequent and mild  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 12/4/2021 1:45:41 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

All vaccines have "breakthrough" infections. They're less frequent and milder than the illness vaccinated against, which, after a while reults in the former epidemic disappearing.

Vaccinated against Covid, one has only a 3% chance of hospitalization.

Make your choice- limit the spread and accept a reduced chance of an infection that will be a milder infection.

Or, insist on perfect protection, acceopt a higher risk of becoming sick, spreading the infection and fecking dying of it.

Even "Second Coming, The Only One Who Can Fix It" recommends vaccination.

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Obsy, do you purposely mislead people or is it being done innocently? +3/-0 bladeslap 12/4/2021 9:43:38 AM