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The DNC is not a mind control cult?

The DNC is not a mind control cult?   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 12/8/2021 9:41:15 PM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Like "Nexium" -- you know, Jetsheep, it was another weird sex cult brought to light full of Libz.. litterally thaey branded women and used them to recruit other sex slaves -- sorts like Epstined pal, whatshername now  on trial..

And peal that onion further, you have a bunch of well, you know "pizza eaters"

Do you play dominoes better on Pasta  or Pizza, jetsheep? 


not to mention All those people you know who (you voted for ) riding on the Lolita express..

As for Creepy Joe, he couldn't fill a parking lot of supporters in Miami 2020- had to recruit a dozen or so Uber drivers to sit in their cars and honk their horns-- Now that was memorable photo op

Jetsheep, are you still in business? Or are you and your small business facing hard times? 

I assume your business is a small one.. no big bailouts from Trillions in Federal Covid money right?
So are there soup lines near you in Oregon?

i hear those hippie granola crunchers and BLM terrorists wanna make mask wearing an Oregon requirement statewide-- indefinitely! 

I suspect it probably has something to do with another lib sex-fetish.

((Mask wearing females  in bikinis-- problem is, they're only ten years old.. (you sick perverts!) 

To answer your question: 
YES, you are in a cult, Jetsheep.
Ask all your DNC friends in Hollywood. 


BTW, did you know Jack Parsons ( founder of an OTO lodge in Pasadena , circa early 1950 ) and L Ron Hubbard were once roommates? Hubbard reportedly ran off with Jacks girlfriend. But that was ok 'cause old Jack the rocket inventor went out into the desert and summoned a "scarlet women" who appeared at his door shortly after completing that majickal OTO ritual-- the one Alester Crowley taught him. 

You don't  know what I'm talking about. do you Jetsheep? 

Google Jack Parsons to find out. 

You know nothing about Cults except the one youre in, Jetsheep 

(The DNC) 

When are ya gonna "go clear"?

Useful Idiot!


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Old guy, you cake on this one +3/-0 bladeslap 12/7/2021 7:59:34 AM