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I have to be tested weekly in order to keep my job.

I have to be tested weekly in order to keep my job.  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/13/2021 4:53:38 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Let me address a few things you said

First, if you are vaccinated, prior to the Omicron virus, the vaccination 

1. Prevents you from even getting it

2. Prevents most people from getting hospitalized

3. If you do get, lessens the severity and length - Lower viral load means less chance of spreading it to someone else

So, those are some pretty good benefits.

If you get a 3rd dose, again, there is very good protection against Omicron

The vaccine does not "Inhibit the body's ability to fight it off". Please share some scientific literature that says that. The vaccines simply allow the body to "remember" what a spike protein looks like so it can mount a defense against it. If you have a scientific article that explains your hypothesis, I'd love to read it.

Here is the sobering truth about Covid:

1. Many people who have gotten covid have permanent long-term symptoms now - Cognitive issues, breating issues, chronic fatigue, and heart. I know of 8 people now who have long-haul covid. My cousin, who is a pharamacist just told me that one of his coworkers, a young girl, who got covid last year, cognitively has never been the same. 

2. They are concerned that there may be even more long-term effects of getting covid.

I'm going to share this in a separate post:

The COVID pandemic has now claimed as many American lives as World War I, the Vietnam War, and the Korean War combined. Most of these deaths are due to the well-known pulmonary complications of the coronavirus. It has become increasingly recognized, however, that the virus also attacks the nervous system. Doctors in a large Chicago medical center found that more than 40% of patients with COVID showed neurologic manifestations at the outset, and more than 30% of those had impaired cognition. Sometimes the neurological manifestations can be devastating and can even lead to death.

However, new research is now suggesting that there may be long-term neurologic consequences in those who survive COVID infections, including more than seven million Americans and another 27 million people worldwide. Particularly troubling is increasing evidence that there may be mild — but very real — brain damage that occurs in many survivors, causing pervasive yet subtle cognitive, behavioral, and psychological problems.

The hidden long-term cognitive effects of COVID-19 - Harvard Health


So, here is the reality. 

Almost every single health professional believes that the benefits of the vaccine far outweight the risks. Based on what I just showed you, do you really believe a covid vaccine is going to be more dangerous than that?

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I have to be tested weekly in order to keep my job. +1/-2 observer II 12/13/2021 12:58:02 PM