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Posting Data to support your argument: Old guy and Obsy

Posting Data to support your argument: Old guy and Obsy  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/13/2021 11:10:14 PM  +2/-0  

Obsy and Old guy, if you're able to navigate to this site, then you must be able to copy a link to a site that supports your argument.

By saying, "I can't find the evidence" means that it likely does not exist. Search engines aren't "hiding" articles that support your cause. 

If you can't find the evidence, maybe it just doesn't exist? What makes you believe there is evidence in the first place if you never found it to begin with? It's an argument that won't win any points with anyone on here.


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Posting Data to support your argument: Old guy and Obsy +2/-0 bladeslap 12/13/2021 11:10:14 PM