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Here's some information that can actually harm people

Here's some information that can actually harm people  

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Author: observer II   Date: 12/22/2021 11:47:24 AM  +2/-3  

OK, if you are one of these three zodiac signs. You will be having a really bad day


(March 21 - April 19)

While this day doesn't promise to actually 'ruin' you, you may find that there's something in your life, discovered only today, that is just wrong. This wrongness cannot last and you will not tolerate it in your life. Once discovered, you will be annoyed, and this will bring on the blame game; someone has to be responsible for this, and it certainly isn't you.

So, you'll blame someone close to you for some mistake you've made and that will start the war of the day, which you will fight until it bores you. It's one of those days with Moon Trine Mars doing the major butt-kicking that you'll wish you just stayed in bed during.


(July 23 - August 22)

You wake up wanting it your way, and immediately you recognize that you're not getting it your way at all. You thought you could get away with being your pushy, self-centered Leo self, and yet, it seems no one in your family or friend's circle is up for your antics today.

It's hard for you to understand that sometimes people just aren't in the mood for you; sometimes people have to take care of their own selves and cannot make time for you and your whims. In truth, you're not so bad, but you push and you shove and you demand others pay attention to you, and on a day like today — that's just not going to happen.


(October 23 - November 21)

It's not your day and you catch wind of that right at the top. It's the kind of day where the coffee maker doesn't work, and from there on it's just a downward spiral of meaningless annoyances, and they all get under your skin, Scorpio. On this day we also have Moon Opposition Saturn, which has the power to depress you.

So, if your day isn't going well, you may plummet into a dark place — simply because that's how the transit plays with you. Anticipate arguments with a partner and a general feeling of dissatisfaction. This won't last more than a day, but you will notice it, and your best bet in combating it is to know that it will pass shortly.


Hope that unsourced information doesn't ruin your holidays

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Here's some information that can actually harm people +2/-3 observer II 12/22/2021 11:47:24 AM