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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/5/2022 11:32:04 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Does that mean we reject all studies that don't agree with the outcome someone likes?

What about studies that combine multiple studies, from different sources, different countries, from academic instituations, etc?

Studies are also "peer-reviewed" to make sure the results are verifiable.

I've said it before and i"ll stay it again..White-washing and broad brush strokes don't enhance our understanding of anything.

If there is a specific study that you would like to discuss, that you think is biased, let's talk about it. Rather than saying "Vaccine makers have a profit motive", it's also possible that they ALSO provide good.

When you have multiple, independent studies pointing to the same thing, with peer-review, then the conclusion starts to become "It's probably true". 

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Science +1/-1 Shooting Shark 1/5/2022 11:22:22 AM