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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/5/2022 5:23:46 PM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'll remind you, when you accuse others of being condescending, you need to look at the way you also talk to people. Not that it bothers me, but just wanted to remind you that you do exactly what you acuse others of doing

"the structure of the worlds economic system today should be informative to you, but it doesn't appear to be-- let's review:"

First, the keystone pipeline was not cut off. It was not due to actually have oil flowing for many many years. This is a republican talking point imho - Demand is met and supply is only being artificially constrained by Open refusing to increase production to meet demand.

Second, how do we gauge inflation of our country vs others? Since this is a world-wide thing, would it not be fair to look at all the other developed countries to see how their inflation was with the re-opening of economies?

Inflation Rate by Country 2021 (

Take a look .. We are on par with most other developed countries. So, your argument pretty much goes out the window. Thanks for the civics and geopolitical education though -

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Inflation +1/-1 Shooting Shark 1/5/2022 5:15:39 PM