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Ways to celebrate Jan 6th

Ways to celebrate Jan 6th  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 1/6/2022 12:52:59 PM  +2/-1  

1.  Perform a historical reenactment of the violent, bloody battle by wandering slowly through your city hall, taking photos.

2.  Hide fraudulent ballots around the house for the kids to find.

3.  Gather the family around the fire to relisten to Trump's speech ordering you to loot, kill, and destroy.  Okay, so he exlicitly said to be peaceful, but we know what he really meant.

4.  Conduct a reading of Pelosi's refusal of Trump's request to have 10,000 National Guard on standby.

5. Or you could just go about your life like 99.9999999999% of Trump supporters did last year.

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Ways to celebrate Jan 6th +2/-1 Old Guy 1/6/2022 12:52:59 PM