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"You have totally missed the point" Wrong

"You have totally missed the point" Wrong  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/10/2022 3:26:02 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Unfortunatley, the way some people can rationalize an argument is by applying a cognitive distortion to their wa of thinking, and hence, argument. 

They suffer from:

1. All-or-nothing thinking - You see things in black-or-white categories. If a situation falls short of perfect, you see it as a total failure. When a young woman on a diet ate a spoonful of ice cream, she told herself, "I've blown my diet completely." This thought upset her so much that she gobbled down an entire quart of ice cream

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The data, all over world, keeps saying the same thing - Vax works +1/-0 bladeslap 1/10/2022 11:39:25 AM