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I am done discussing this with you

I am done discussing this with you  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/10/2022 7:15:00 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Where do you come up with these ridiculous ideas? "It's not a vaccine if it doesnt' stop all illness" 

Please share with us scientific literatre which states a vaccine is supposed to "prevent any and all illness"

Your arguments are just so incredibly riddled with distortions and false assumptions

Who ever said a vaccine is supposed to 100% prevent a disease? NO ONE

Flu Vaccine - works 20-60% of the times depending on the year

Prior to Omicron, it was highly effective in

1. Preventing any covid infection (Up to 95% effective)

Now, it is hihgly effective in preventing serious illness and death

Measles Vaccine is only 93% effective

The list goes on

How do you make up these arguments anyway? Is it something you are reading in a right-wing rag or are you just making it up as you type? It's quite creative



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The data, all over world, keeps saying the same thing - Vax works +1/-0 bladeslap 1/10/2022 11:39:25 AM