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So why don't liberals hold Biden accountable

So why don't liberals hold Biden accountable  

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Author: observer II   Date: 1/11/2022 12:47:39 PM  +1/-1  

I remember the onslaught of pure hatred towards Trump for 5 years and it still hasn't slowed even after the election was stolen.

Yet Biden's campaign (what there was) was solely based on covid elimination.

Biden spoke to the american people and repeatedly said:

I WILL NOT SHUT THE COUNTRY DOWN...............He shut the country down in so many ways.

I WILL NOT SHUT THE ECONOMY DOWN..............He has destroyed our economy in record time.

I WILL SHUT DOWN THE COVID VIRUS...........He has caused panic and has destroyed families and careers. And the virus is thriving like never before.

Biden has been a 100% complete failure. Yet not a single liberal democrat on this board has criticized him or his policies.

That tells us an aweful lot about the character of their party.

Follow the money fellas...................and watch people fall while pockets are getting filled.

So where is your condemnation of this destruction of our country?


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So why don't liberals hold Biden accountable +1/-1 observer II 1/11/2022 12:47:39 PM