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Vaccines work?

Vaccines work?  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/12/2022 2:53:35 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


No vaccine is 100% effective.

2 Dose Modera or PFizer, within 6 months on average, is highy effective in preventing Pre-Omicron covid and even more highly effective in precenting severe illness or death

3 Dose Moderna or Pfizer are still highly effective against symptomatic Omicron and highly effective in preventing severe disease or death.

2 Dose Pfizer is still 50-70% effective in preventing severe illness or death ...

Latest data from New Jersey shows (this is from memory) that 99% of people in the ICU from covid were unvaccinated...and most people in New Jersey are vaccinated...So it shows the effectiveness at over 99%.

The vaccine was created well before Delta and Omicron were in existence. So, they have to learn and innovate.


I'm not doing this as a political statement...I legitimately do not want you or anyone to get severe illness, no matter how much we disagree on things. I've already lost some people to covid. My friend just died of covid last week. He was in his late 80s, but this thing is still a killer. Im not trying to argue with you for sake of argument..just so people have the facts, aside from politics


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Vaccines work? +3/-1 Klip Klop 1/12/2022 1:10:30 PM