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Old guy states "Most of the nation thinks the election was stolen"

Old guy states "Most of the nation thinks the election was stolen"  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/13/2022 2:52:00 PM  +1/-1  

Old guy states "Most people think the election was stolen"

Not according to the latest polls ...

But what are polls? Trump has lied, as admitted by many republicans, about what happened during the election.

How do you know it's a lie? 

Simple! He has not been able to provide any evidence - Every single argument he has made has not been able to be backed up. Every court case lost. Every accusation, unfounded. 

Trump has lied to his base, time and time again, because his ego will not admit that he lost.

What's worse? He openly admitted BEFORE the election even took place that if he loses, it's because "the election is rigged".

Old guy is gullible enough to believe this, even though Trump warned you he'd use that as an excuse...

Old guy, you should know better. He warned you he would use that as a scapegoat...and guess what, you believe it!

If there's one thing I gotta give Trump credit for - He can sell .. and he can sell well and make you believe lies even when it's clear they are lies.

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Old guy states "Most of the nation thinks the election was stolen" +1/-1 bladeslap 1/13/2022 2:52:00 PM