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I can see after this alledged shut down, nothing has changed

I can see after this alledged shut down, nothing has changed  

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Author: observer II   Date: 2/23/2022 8:27:15 AM  +3/-0  

I can see the liberals are still fixated on Trump.

Which kinda makes sense because they can't focus on Biden's accomplishments. Because there aren't any that have made this country better.

So let's review this dumpster fire we've been living through.

  • Border crisis - more illegals crossing into this country than ever before. Most of which are being helped and transported by the Biden administration to all parts of our nation. Unvacccinated BTW
  • Inflation is over 7 1/2% which is the highest inmany many decades
  • Crime is through the roof which is a funny topic. Liberals defunded police. Now cities like Seattle & Portland can't find anyone to fill those positions. Crime is through the roof, Congrats for those who voted for an idiot.
  • Energy crisis continues to get worse. Gas is absolutely absurd which of course is 100% Biden's fault. And let's not forget about home energy costs.
  • Worker shortage, I laugh when I hear about overcrowded hospitals not being able to handle all the deadly covid cases. Well gee, maybe you shouldn't have fired all those healthcare workers, huh? And what's truly brilliant is they fired these experienced people only to hire unvacinnated workers at twice the cost. Liberal brilliance...............................idiots!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Vaccine mandate has cuased an uproar in this country. Myself included. I dodged the bullet and remain poison free.These spikes we are seeing are becuase of the vaccine. Biden lied to the people when he said the unvaccinated have caused this. But sheeple buy into the lie.
  • Supply chain crisis - well gosh golly guys, never in our lifetime have we seen anything like this. Prices are beyond absurd, shelves are empty. And now we havee truckers revolting.

So let's talk about the truckers. Vaccine mandates are about as ignorant as we could possibly get. I mean, no one spreads covid like a trucker sitting ALONE in his truck driving across state lines. Talk about a super spreader, lol. But we 'll conveniently forget about the thousands of unvaccinated illegals Biden is flying all over the country to infect and spread this deadly virus.


I see hypocrisy is alive and well here amongst the sheep.


Have a great day boys.

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I can see after this alledged shut down, nothing has changed +3/-0 observer II 2/23/2022 8:27:15 AM