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The useful idiots

The useful idiots  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 3/14/2022 12:18:57 PM  +3/-3  

It takes a special person to be a Lib. Incredible denial of reality.

Even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

1. Did Trump try to bribe Ukrainian officials  

and have his son installed in a fracking company (burisma)

His son taking a "salary" while banhing strippers in Arkansas 

and snorting coke, and facilitating access to "Daddy" for special favors?

No.. it was the "The Creepy Joe and Hunter" fiasco.

2. Did Trump "get us into WWIII with Russia" the way Crowbot breathlessly fulminated when Trump was president?

NO.. that would be the " Creepy Joe and Camel Toe Kamala" fiasco.

3. Did Trump shut down the Keystone Pipeline, encourage Putin to invade Ukraine, suggest Russian oil embargoes to Europe, and print 15 trillion dollars added to the national debt??

No.. that would be "Creepy Joe" and his "Spin-Meister" press Secretary (the red headed tranny, what's her name.)

4. Did Trumps feckless dementia-driven teleprompter speeches make people wonder who is really calling the shots? ( Hint: "The Great Reset" -- Davos)

No.. Trump filled stadiums with supporters. His be policies led to American strength and prosperity? (not a globalist managed-destruction of the US Economy).5. 

5. Did Trump surround the Capitol with National Guard troops and build iron fences around government buildings, because he knew he was loathed. was a Russian dupe, who stole the election from Hillary? 

No..  That would be "Creepy Joe and the Criminal Political Conspiracy seen between Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big banks, Unions, Deep State apparatchiks , and their political puppets - Known as the Democratic Party. These conspired for 4 years to oust Trump and install the ultimate patsy, "Creepy Joe" by election fraud.

Soo .. are we pissed? You damn right AMERiCA is pissed. You have no idea Buddha.. 

and ZERO credibility.

Read Podestas emails yet?

what does "Still Torture Chamber" mean?

What is a "hankerchief that has a map which seems pizza-related" mean?

( answer: " yes it's mine? nothing to Worry about") 

And Epstine hung himself.

And Critical Race Theory is intended to bring justice and understanding to race relations.

And electric cars are the answer. Glowbul Warming is the question.

And big Pharma isn't in bed with the CDC.

And mask/ vaccine mandates aren't a complete unconstitutional denial of individual rights.

And Nancy Pelosi is the greatest Statesman of all time!

Tell is more, you fools!

Don't you want Trump back yet?

Hows uour 401K today Buddha?

Figure it's worth 40% less than it was under Trump.

Useful idiot. 





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The useful idiots +3/-3 Shooting Shark 3/14/2022 12:18:57 PM