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It’s obvious

It’s obvious   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 3/15/2022 9:52:24 PM  +2/-2  

From the thread below, it obvious Crowbot has no understanding about 


you see-- Old Guy is pretty smart .. he doesn't pull shit out of his ass

when it comes to economics, Old Guy was  once our Finance minister for our now defunct aquatic leftist activist organization 

"Fish and Animal Liberation Movement" ( FALM) ,

but I digress...(before your time, Crowbot)

Old Guy resigned that position because was too honest and too smart to be a Lib.

no matter how much organized criminal politicsl racketeering paid. (DNC)


So today, let me and old Guy school ya Crowbot 

You see, the Dollar is the "worlds reserve currency" because

by agreement with the Saudis

you can't buy a gallon of oil from OPEC 

unless you pay for it with a US Dollar. 

(Even Buddha knows this.. I taught him about "Petro dollar recycling" years ago now, right Buddha?) 

So as a result, every other country in the world values it's currency against the dollar--which means

if our central bank prints money ( inflation ) other currencies will become stronger.. too strong in fact to ship and sell their exports (valued in local currencies).

So they too are forced to print money, which causes inflation, robbing the poor and middle classes of their countries spending power. 

Now imagine the CCP were to possess the power to manipulate the value of the dollar-- because they can buy OPEC oil in Yuan?

That would be a n economic disaster for the US. ( equivalent to a economic-hydrogen bomb)

We have fought recent middle eastern wars of agression and overthrown third-world governments simply to preserve the status of this "greenback-oil" nexus. 

And, whenever the Saudi's have v collected  a big pile of US greenbacks the buy our bonds-- (hence recycling)

if we didint have the "extraordinary privilege " of being the worlds reserve currency, we would need to buy our bonds on the open market, severely limiting American dominance in international markets, trade, and foreign affairs.

you are apparently dumb on this subject as Creepy Joe, Crowbot. 

or no perhaps youre an America-hating communist? 


"Never underestimate Joes ability to fuck things up!" -- Barrack Hussein Obama.

Didnt you Libs get the memo?

Useful Idiots!!!!


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It’s obvious +2/-2 Shooting Shark 3/15/2022 9:52:24 PM