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"Biden has not made good on any issue" I disagree, he's exactly appropriate

"Biden has not made good on any issue" I disagree, he's exactly appropriate  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 3/16/2022 2:20:49 PM  +2/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You're a jingo. Likely an empty boot as well. America doesn't have all the answers and should not be 'the world's policeman'.

The sanctions are the appropriate response. Start slow and increase penalties until effective.

Moving troops to the border would have been provocative.

Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Committee.

Why would Biden cite war crimes? Which have been investigated and documented? Ain't you one of those who declared the media was inaccurate, biased in their Trump reporting? But now they are founts of wisdom and facts. "If it bleeds, it leads" mean anything to you?

"Start making US a oil exporter again." Truly a nonsense response. And, as I have posted many times, our oil is a strategic asset that increases in value as other exporters sell their stocks.

Iran has your panties knotted, don't they? Increase commerce and political interactions will make enemies into active forces for the good of the world. Think Japan, Germany.

I agree that America should be able to supply Ukraine. But that, too, would be provocative if not an outright act of war.

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Zeleskyy told us like it is +2/-2 Old Guy 3/16/2022 9:32:36 AM