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Old guy, Where is your evidence of Fraud?

Old guy, Where is your evidence of Fraud?  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 4/16/2022 1:04:19 AM  +2/-0  

For more than  year, you have told us that evidence of fraud is coming; it's a matter of time.

Till now, crickets.

In fact, a republican judge has just called Trump a "Charlatan" - Never in the history of our country has a president, former that is, been called a "charlatan" by a sitting judge...a republican nonethless.

That said,

Fraud evidence was never coming. Fraud evidence is never coming. (

Old guy, when are you going to grow a set, when are you going to man up and say "I was wrong .. there was no fraud. I was mistaken"

Do you have the intenstinal fortitude to man up and admit you were wrong? you were hoodwinked ... You were misled by a charlatan?

(you too old guy)

Flipper, you still believe in flat earth theory and pizza gate, so there's no hope for you

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Old guy, Where is your evidence of Fraud? +2/-0 bladeslap 4/16/2022 1:04:19 AM