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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/18/2022 11:00:22 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"We didn't have thisissue with Trump.

"And yes, the democrats have severely damaged our democracy by appointing creepy joe through voter fraud."

The 2020 election was fair and credible by all who evaluated the 2929 election. Your objection is due to a sore loser squealing like a pig. Trump has nothing to lose in that allegation but an immese gain- it motivates his base.


"Far too many accounts of fraud that has been dismissed for unconstitutional reasoning."

In your eyes the assertions become valid because of the number? The investigations of the assertions that disporove them are dismissed out of hand are not significant? Yessiree, you're a "January 6th believer"- YOUR opinion overrides the demonstrated will of the people. You want a dictator and it should be The Donald.

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Old guy and Angry man's hero +3/-0 bladeslap 4/16/2022 1:17:31 AM