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You really are living in an alternate universe

You really are living in an alternate universe  

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Author: observer II   Date: 5/1/2022 7:33:48 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

So how is libland treating you these days.

Can you afford a gallon of milk??

Free speech is being squelched every day jettsheep.

Why do you think Elan Musk is spending over 40 billion dollars to buy twitter? It's because twitter is not allowing free speech. Facebook isn't any better.

The liberal media has been putting out misinformation for many years. They have purposely held back important information from Americnas in order to further their sick agendas.

And yes, like old guy stated. Homeland security wants to form another department that determines what misinformation is. Gee, doesn't that sound like a good idea.

How's that vaccine working out for you? Another government lie on steroids

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Guess what! +3/-4 Old Guy 4/30/2022 1:07:49 PM