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so what is it about security that you libs hate?

so what is it about security that you libs hate?  

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Author: observer II   Date: 6/10/2022 6:01:36 PM  +2/-3  

Ben Ghazi ambassadore begged for added security. And the democrats denied it. As we all know, it ended in many American lives ending. Should have never happened if we had people in charge that knew what they were doing. And actually cared about Americans.

Then we have Afghanistan which was one of the biggest disasters committed by a sitting president in history. A total failure in providing security to innocent civilians which once again ended in American deaths.

Now you liberal clowns are telling the American people that Jan 6th was the end of democracy. You're trying to pin your incompetence on Trump by fabricating lies that are now coming to the surface.

That tool Liz Chaney condemns Trump for not stopping the alledged insurrection but neglects to mention Trumps last sentence telling the people to leave peacefully. Wow, go figure, huh?

You radical idiots are domestic terrorists in my opinion.

And let's also mention that it was Chucky Schumer that refuse the requested additional security for the 6th. Said they had it under control.

I'm sure they did because  they had an agenda.

You liberal anti-American terrorists should be the ones occupying the concrete cells. This has all been a fabricated scandel that will be proven.

You radicals will be exposed as you always are.

You are defending the undefendables. And it's funny to watch

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so what is it about security that you libs hate? +2/-3 observer II 6/10/2022 6:01:36 PM