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Bladeslap knows NO better!

Bladeslap knows NO better!  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 7/6/2022 11:12:49 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Most people are the product of their Environment,  Bladeslap is an good example!

He lives in one of the worst states in the nation, is it the traffic, the endless traffic tolls, the high taxes or the occasional odor?  And he thinks that is how itshould be!  According to Bloomberg, when compared to other states several categories which include big ones, like, affordability, quality of life, heathcare, and education NJ lags way behind.  Of course most of us realize it is because of the states democrat leadership.
His environment has made him the usefull idiot he is.  He has no idea what life is like without government directing his actions.  he has been raised to believe to pay his taxes and comply.  The left good! The right bad!  NO questions, it is just that way!!

But I think he might see the light if he just stopped his current direction and looked at the cause and effect of the political policies from the left.  How they have failed!



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First time I've ever heard this +2/-2 observer II 7/5/2022 4:29:35 PM