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Author: Old Guy   Date: 7/27/2022 12:59:30 PM  +4/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

There are states that do not allow same sex marriage.  Is this just a move to take away states rights?

This should end up in the Suprime Court, And we know what they think about states rights.

The real question for Glenn Thompson, really the real question for all of us is;

The Marriage Act violates the constitution of some states, does the federal government have that power?

How much control over our lives do we want a central government to have?

Isn't the best government the one closest to you?

The constitution gives limited power the the federal government, for a reason.  There is NO reason to give them more power to tell you who to marry, to have kids, drive this car, live in this house, work at that job, what to eat, what doctor to see, what shot to take, when you can have a vacation, what school to go to, basically take care of you.  Because you are not responsible for yourself.  You are just useful idiots.



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This is an example of what the Republican party is about +5/-2 bladeslap 7/26/2022 6:59:12 PM