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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/8/2022 11:43:06 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

If I'm one of the stupidest people I know, that's a complement coming from you, because everything you post on here is generally 180 degrees oposite of truth and reality; so I must be a genius.

That said, spend some time researching what Writs of Certioari are. 

  1. If a petitioner, AKA Trump, is not satisified with the order of a lower court, they petition the U.S. supremem court

  2. The supreme court the akss the lower court to send up the records of the case

  3. The court will hear the case if it believes it is of national significance, might harmonize multiple lower court rulings, or have precedential value 

So, as we discussed before, it takes 4 justices to agree to hear a case, however, 1 justice can grant a stay (let's say, for an execution) before the entire court reviews it.

If they agree to take the case, the petitioner must write a brief

However, the justices obvioulsy did not believe there was any merit to the case....

So, your logic shows you are very uneducated as to how the courts work. Your theory is that if they didn't take the case, then the case may have merit because they "ignored it" ...

Nope, they reviewed the ruling of the lower court and agree with the conclusion. Period ... end of story

The part that you don;t seem to understand is NO court ruled that any votes should be invalidated. There are always mistakes made in elections ... Always .. And in this one, things were challenged vigorously...But, the rule of Law did NOT invalidate a single vote.

Shall I say it again ... The rule of law did not invalidate a single vote. 

It's called THE LAW  - That's how it works

So maybe you can get that concept through your head. 

Trump LOST

He did not win ... He LOST

And no judge even suggested that votes be invalidated ... even if you can find some sort of tecnicality ... The propssect of disengranchsing voters and having a re-do rather than trying to understand how we proceed going forward to correct any issues.

Furthermore, you are an extrremely one-sided opinionated person - You dont think the republicans were trying to block votes whereever and whenever possible to win? You cant be that "naive" ....

Oh yes I forget, you can be.


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Obsy, Old Guy, Flipper - A Question +3/-0 bladeslap 8/8/2022 7:42:54 AM