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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 8/12/2022 12:54:45 PM  +4/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I thought you said you were "done here" Buddha

like a typical Lib you musta meant you're done posting as "Bladeslap"

we know your other monikers.. and besides

you couldn't fill a small room with actual Biden supporters .

Except you and Jetagged. When you feel outnumbered you resort to aliases

Silly Libz 

you never can grasp the fact you're being played 

talk to us when Trump is indicted.. until then youre just getting worked up over nuthin.

PS 86,000 armed IRS agents? 
who do you think theyll be coming for? Amazon? United Airlines? 

the regime's political opponents


small business 

independent contractors 

the entire US middle class. 

The left is doomed in November

if not, the country is doomed.

Trump is an idea, no longer a person

75 percent of Republicans support him (CPAC poll)

You Libz are by outta step with the man on the street

and outta step with ReALiTy!!

Useful Idiots!!!


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Observer +5/-3 RT Carlson 8/12/2022 7:24:34 AM