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I would say you are confused budha

I would say you are confused budha  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/12/2022 2:00:58 PM  +5/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Here's the thing Mr Avatar.

You libs continue to obssess over Trump claiming we are all about Trump.

I'm here to tell you we are not all about Trump.

You can hate on Trump all you want, it's obvious you have a great deal of hatred towards the man. 

You can hate until it destroys you but the bottom line is Trump's policies ALL worked. Everything he did and created was for the benefir of this country. The data proves this as fact.

You voted for an embecile that has destroyed this country. He was handed one of the greatest ecomonies we have seen in our lifetime. Wages were increasing, the market was booming, and the cost of living was affordable, along with the lowest unemplotment rate in history.

All the scandals against Trump were ALL fabricated by the liberal democrats. All unfounded but fairly effective as many Americans have that poision pill engrained in their minds.

Every accusation has been proven false. Yet at no time have we heard an apology or a retraction. And that shows Americans that the dems have no integrity or a moral compass.

There isn't an American that is happy with paying over $450 more per month because of the inflation this idiot has caused.

So you can tell me that you libs have been trying to set me straight about Trump all this time. But the reality is that you think I'm the problem because I simply don't take your lies as truth. Sheep follow, I'm not a sheep.

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Observer +5/-3 RT Carlson 8/12/2022 7:24:34 AM