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Good question

Good question  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/21/2022 11:03:38 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Yes, it does "Prevent" you from getting the virus and "prevents" you from hospitalization, but no one, and I mean NO ONE ever said anyting 100% prevents it ... It "mitigates" 

obsy, let's take the armor off here and be honest with one another. 

You are treating this as a Binary ... As a black & white. It either works or it doesn't. 

So, because Biden slipped up and made it sound like they are 100% effective, you are clamoring around that and making that your stump speech?

The data has been out for several years now. It's very very clear that no vaccine is 100% effective. You and I both know that. 

You also know that the vaccine prevents most infections and prevents nearly all severe illness and hospitalazations. So, why do you keep mincing words and not acknowledge that the vaccine has helped billions of people on this earth so far, many of whom would have died or had severe illness?

Your case is a good one that you go it and your immune system and defense systems were adequate enough to fight the virus (assuming you do not have any long-covid symptoms). 

That said, almost 30% of people who get covid have long covid symptoms that don't go away. People who are vaccinated statistically have a much lower chance of 

1. Long Covid

2. Being infected to start out with

3. Severe Illness / hospitalization

4. Death

So, foget the fact that Biden DID say you wont get covid if you have the vaccine...that was a mis-statement. People do do that from time to time. The CDC, Government, Fauci have stated time and time again, as well as every single piece of literature, that it mitigates your risk.

I think you and I can both agree that the vaccines DO mitigate the risk, and whether you agree with me or not, the adverse reactions to it appear far less than that benefits of getting it and mitigating covid risks.

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Obsy, simple question +4/-1 bladeslap 8/19/2022 9:07:32 AM