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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 8/31/2022 4:10:47 PM  +4/-5  

tell us when you have something definite, Buddha.

Oh and from below: DID YOU ACCEPT MY BET?  ( YES OR NO?)


Im starting to question your sanity Buddha.  We have see this Media "wag the dog" stunt for 5 years now.

None of your fake newz sites say anything definitiuve. they just make ALLEGATIONS to create BUZZ

And you parrot them. 

and in your twisted world of obsessing about TRUMP

you cant see what is right in front of you. YOURE BEING PLAYED.


SITUATION and reality check:

Its August 31st 

the mid terms are NOVEMBER

The Left is desperate to smer TRUMP and the MAGA movement because CREEPY JOE is a complete disgrace. and everyone KNOWS it.

Even if TRUMP were indicted.. which he hasnt been, not even charged, much less prosecuted

tghe PROCESS will continue through the midterms.. and thats the reason for this present dog and pony show.

Where are the details concerning these allegations concerning obstruction?

How  can you fulmiunate about TRUMP daily and not see the level of corruption of the PRESENT administration?


Because youre a mindless lib parrot, Buddha. And thats why we love you.

Youre such a predictable


Do we have a bet? Yes or no?   

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MIGHT< MAY< ALLEGED +4/-5 Shooting Shark 8/31/2022 4:10:47 PM