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Time to listen for a change and stop yapping

Time to listen for a change and stop yapping  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/2/2022 1:48:37 AM  +4/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

My God, Buddha!

Are you channeling Zuckerberg, here or what?

Ole' Billionare-Boy Wonder sez "The FBI told me it was Russian Disinformation" (Hunters laptop) 

So he censored it -- for the hood of mankind! 

How long could the MSM mind -control last 

without "benevolent "censorship?
It's for our own good! Dontchaknow!

But you throw a hissy fit because you can't stand it when Sir Observer II, Old Guy, and (yours truely)

Call you out on Lib hypocrisy, propaganda, and mindless parroting.


You don't do what you Insist others must do. 

Answer my Pizza gate questions if you want a serious discussion. You don't. You dismiss them out of hand .

And, Stop lying and exaggerating.
< no I don't advocate Flat earth theory> And yet you say that! 

And, Stop labeling your fellow posters here.., oh wait, I almost forgot, this is YOUR private playground 

you'll take your toys and go home if we don't play nice-- according to you.

Well Buddha,

the truth is -- you shut this place down once before this year--

Why did you bring it back? 

Was it because the JH forum started having too many political postings ?


was it because YOU wanted to have your own personal Trump Bashing platform?

By the way, I do hope you get a cut weekly from Crowbot's earnings here

as a contract blogger

for the "Lincoln Project"


You know those "eastern establishment Neocon Republicans" Like Liz and her minion Crowbot

They never really thought very much of you leftists

But you still gave him a free forum for the last 5 years or so

and I'm sure he's grateful. He's a paid propagandist. What's your excuse? 

As for me, I find Sir Observer to be almost magnanimous to you

Even after the fact you have banned him so often in the past,

and this

Without so much as a "hot tip" form the FBI?

Zuckerberg falsely claims he wasn't censoring too

but I digress.


Old Guy is a gentleman.

True, he frequently tells you you're wrong, and tells you why, 

But he doesn't simply dismiss you as "debunked"

like you do


and the FACT the election was SToLEN...

You can't stand that fact, can you, 

61 percent of voters now believe the election was STOLEN. 


Lets Go Brandon! 

radio check .. "Radio  Free America" ( 121.5 ) 

<Netfriction Blackout > Lol!! 

So I guess you still aren't accepting my bet?


if $1500 is too much,

let's say $150?

((I 'm good for it.. you know that! ))


I predict; 

Trump will not be convicted of anything 

MAGA will create a REDWAVE 

And "The Biden Crime Family" will be exposed 

And you will forever remain the DNC's lapdog, 

useful idiot!!







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Old guy, I'll just keep deleting your Brandon Posts +3/-2 bladeslap 9/1/2022 2:38:22 PM