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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/5/2022 9:02:10 AM  +5/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Well, I remember when

Hillary was your girl,

you couldnt and wouldn't acknowledge her corruption

and you told us we wereball "going to be schooled" on election night

then TRUMP Won

I remember the MSM meltdown that followed...

Hillary's screaming fit.. Had to be tranquilizd 

And you went into hiding on here for SIX MONTHS


Then the evil left organized a fascist takeover of the US governmnt

the fraudulent election

and big pharma created a "pandemic"

millions died of a man made bio weapon -- you tools blamed Trump

just as you were instructed

while the political conspirators and corporate collaborators created the "great reset" 

and the Chinese Puppet Creepy Joe caused inflation,

printed money and stopped oil production

And Putin laughinf at the weak demented fool in the White House, invaded Ukraine 

and millions of illegals streamed across the border,

flown by federally chartered aircraft to major cities in the US 

and Epstine.. well, his friends prospered.. eating Pizza.


You swallo it all. Hook line and sinker


So when this present cycle of spooling up you useful idiots is over again

And all you present breathless pronouncements about Trump have come to nothing


l see-- all this political miscalculation and FBI corruption

does is guarantee a coming RED TSUNAMI 

And when that happens 

Ill be here to remind you

You never had the courage of your own " convictions" to make a bet, Buddha.

Winning or losing , it doesn't matter.

What matters is- you DO know better.
Talk is cheep.
And you DO know you're gonna lose.


Thanks for playing .. we knew you aren't that stupid.

 bashing Trump in light of you voting for

Hillary and that corrupt, child-groping fraud, Creepy Joe

makes you a confirmed

useful idiot!

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Our Bet +5/-2 Shooting Shark 9/5/2022 7:35:33 AM