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This is a point worth debating

This is a point worth debating  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 9/10/2022 9:34:08 AM  +4/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The real growth in the Republican Party since 2010 has been people without a degree - the working class.

American workers, blue-collar working-class feel the effect of Biden's and democrats overrreaching with their generosity of taking their money and giving it to someone else.  They see their living costs increase as taxes increase, the job loss as regulations increase, their loss of parental control over their school kids, and the list goes on and on.

Democrats are obsessed with illegal immigration and job-killing agenda like the green new deal.  Policies that will destroy many industries and manufacturing jobs.  There policies are a 100% different from democrats like John Kennedy the last of the real democrats.

Election polls today show the working class has gradually moved to the right.  There are many reasons for it, but they are understanding that democrat policies do not support them anymore.



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These days... +2/-1 bladeslap 9/10/2022 12:20:16 AM