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Why do you create lies like that crow.

Why do you create lies like that crow.  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 11/13/2022 9:19:49 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You know that Trump never once said anything remotely like that.

He asked Kemp to perform a legitimate audit of votes. Not a recount

A recount is a waste of time.

There was a multitude of ballots that were duplicated, cast by dead people, or simply did not live in the state anymore.

Heck, my neighbor alone recieved 7 mail-in ballots. And never asked for one.

Hence the bill Kemp passed.

And the democrats screamed voter suppression. Of course they did.

Explain why the democrats are always at the heart of fraud. Every incident that has been uncovered has always favored the dems. Almost sounds like a common denominator.

And then the libs come out of the woodwork and claim everything is on the up & up. Well gee boys and girl, if everything leaned in my favor, I guess I'd be happy with the results as well.

You' should do your due diligence before spewing misinformation. Especially when you know you are doing it

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Does it concern anyone that Arizona and Nevada can't count? +3/-4 Citizens for sanity 11/11/2022 4:46:49 PM