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Quantum Physics  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 12/5/2022 1:06:25 PM  +2/-3  

Lets talk about something interesting for a change.


Quantum Physics!

You Marxist dupes who think Darwin is evenmnb worthy of being taken seriously today dont really know or believe in science as it stands today.

I stand ready to elaborate.

In terms of science, Darwin can be seen today as a "Bull dog chasing a bread truck"

During the earky twentieth century Darwinists repeated the atheist mantra, and they put it to use: "Social Darwinism" leading directly to the ideas that fueled the Holocaust. Their predicessors, were the eugenics movement funded by big money here in the United States, 

The promoters of Darwin were at that time mostly politicians and philosophers, not scientists. Even today scientists tend to be specialists in their field, lacking an interdicipelanary approach to the BIG questions, which is the apparent ultimate goal of science:

What is REALITY as we find it? How do we define ourselves in it?

After WWII, the wheels started coming of the " bread truck" Darwinists were chasing. ( and still chase) As the panels and parts fell off that truck as it lumbered down that bumpy and evil road called "Social Darwinism," advances in modern physics  reavealed sciebnnce wasnt a "bread truck" after all....the Physics of Time and Space revealed the foundatinms of Matter to be more like a Ferrarri, speeding off on the horizon, while Darwinsists were left "barking and choking" in the dust. 

Lamark famoiusly remarked "God? I have no need for that theory."

Max Plank investigared the nature of Light.. 

Neils Bohr and Albert  Einstien argued about the natural limits of the material world.

General relativity was shown to break down as "quanta"  ( small units of energy ) that were shown simultaneiously to be both Waves ( probabalities) and discrete entitries ( actual particles). This did not compute, but it was shown to be true, by Physicist John Bell, back in the 1960s.   

Heisenburg and "Shroediger's cat" established the 'Uncertainty Principle" short-hand to describe the observed reality that without an observer, quantum articles could not be shown to exist at any particulat place or time. ( but they do exist! They MUST!)

"Quantum Entanglement" has defied the limits of General Relativity. Quantum particles seemed to be linked. their actions act instantaneously, simultaneusly, and in unison.. Across vast distances, that when measured are shown to to be communicating "faster" than the speed of light.   

An now, todayt, This is this where the  limits of traditional "Observation (falsifiable) science exists.

And presumably, with out an ultimate reference point, ( of observation )  __God?__ the energy potentials in the entire universe could not, theoretically, ever be called into existence! 

Einstein on the other hand, insisted that objectively and intuitively, the "Moon doesnt cease to exist" if not observed by any one of us silly little creatures...simple humans or us Sea Creatures.

Einstein was correct of course, but Heisenburg and Shrodiger (et all) have demonstrated General Relativity doesnt work anymore in the lab.

Incomplete scientific theory.

This is where today, up to NINE theoretical models are need to reconcile quantum mechanics acting within our apparently limited Space/Time three-dimentional universe (of which we ourselvse are a part, limiting our ability to blserve).. This fact implies, Matter and General relatrivity is not the sum of "What we are" ( or what God may be--As the ultimate, intelligent  "independent observer, creator, and value referent.

Nuff for now

You can go back to your Trump discussions now if you want..

Useful Idiots! 



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Quantum Physics +2/-3 Shooting Shark 12/5/2022 1:06:25 PM