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So do you think open borders helps this country?????????

So do you think open borders helps this country?????????  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 12/20/2022 2:43:49 PM  +1/-2  

It's a valid question. And it's a question with a very easy answer.

Biden has allowed millions into this country so far. And millions to come .

Biden has allowed enough Fentanyl into this country to kill every Americn citizen living here.

Biden has allowed human trafficking that also includes raping women, selling children for sex, and using them as pack mules to delivery their drugs.

And this doesn't seem to bother the democrats at all.

Biden has managed to fly illegals into every state in this country. People that American tax payers are supporting.

Biden has ordered free housing..........monthly stipends.........and a long list of other benefits that are not available to Americans in need.

So do you think this is a good thing? These are all facts no matter how you may try to dismiss it.

And you call people nuts for pointing this out. Why? It hurts us all.


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So do you think open borders helps this country????????? +1/-2 Citizens for sanity 12/20/2022 2:43:49 PM