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Now here's some real liberal insanity

Now here's some real liberal insanity  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 12/20/2022 2:51:02 PM  +2/-3  

The movie AVATAR II is under criticism now.

Some liberal movie critic has made a statement claiming "WHITE PEOPLE CAN NOT PLAY BLUE ALIENS".

Did they ever think they couldn't find black blue aliens to play the parts, lol :)

This is for real people. Hard to believe we even entertain such non-sense.

That movie critic should be immediately removed from their position and handed a free turkey for their trouble.

These are the same people that tell us we can not say certain words and phrases because they believe it has negative connotations.

Who are these people?? And why do we even allow their racists remarks to reach the public.

Oh yeah, free speech!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess they forgot to tell us that free speech is a one way street.

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Now here's some real liberal insanity +2/-3 Citizens for sanity 12/20/2022 2:51:02 PM