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Trump scares you, doesn't he??

Trump scares you, doesn't he??  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 12/24/2022 10:03:57 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

And not because he's a threat to democracy. It's actually quite the opposite.

A person that wants to defend the constitution really bothers people like you. 

A person that wants to preserve the American dream really bothers people like you.

Liberal democrats want complete control over people.

Your idea of bipartisanship is complete submission from the other party.

And worst of all, your accusations are based on your own actions.

A liberal that makes claims of being an American is a laughing matter. Unless their definition of an American is complete destroying this great country for personal gain and power.

Accusing others of exactly what you yourself are doing is narcisistic delusional behavior. People like you are the definition of that behavior.

But you will make the accusation that everyone else is the problem.

Do you recognize the common denominator here??

Have a very Merry Christmas sir

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Trump wants to overturn the Constitution? I guess especially the 14th Amend +5/-1 TheCrow 12/23/2022 3:39:09 PM